Wholesale Perfume Manufacturer & Supplier

How we helped a wholesale perfume manufacturer & supplier to generate 1937 leads and 483 product inquiries


leads generated (combining both B2C & B2B) within 9 weeks


product inquiries generated on Google Ads within 11 weeks


The client wanted to target two categories of audiences, distributors and qualified leads, emphasizing more on the latter.

Services Used

Strategies Implemented

  • For distributors, we floated precise Facebook Website Traffic and Lead Generation ads.
  • We leveraged Google Search Ads and Facebook Lead Generation Ads to generate inquiries about the products.
  • Capitalizing on 2-3 level targeting combining interest, behavior & demographic targeting, we drove qualified leads on Facebook.
  • We also tested and perfected multiple variations of creative and ad copies to filter unqualified leads.

Got a project? Let’s talk!

Send us your campaign details and a member of our team will get back to you to arrange an initial consultation and account audit.
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